That global NGO "industry" is an untidy skein of causes; thick, messy cable: a surging (unstoppable?) movement which (I believe) just MIGHT — in the end — save (no guarantees; it's up to you and me and billions more) our savagely suffering planet — as government and the so-called "adults" who "run" that part of our lives prove themselves inadequate, inept, shortsighted, self-absorbed, corrupt and emotionally-stunted cynical assholes no better than their 5th-grade selves.
And since (I suspect) many FOR-profit corporations should simply be quarantined as infections ... as several Nobel-laureate economists will (MORE suspicion) demonstrate via research a half-century from now (that gargle you hear? me praying) ... when they prove that a benign-seeming modifier such as "industry interrupter" is in truth a synonym for "sociopath."
Ear buds aren't what they seem. But, yeah, you knew that.