NOTES you'd never see. They swore you to secrecy, These were all noble human beings. The promise? Copywriters don't need to know much. We're all racehorses. We like to win. We know how to soothe losses. No different than, "This is how you do a proper autopsy."
Privacy. Secrecy. Independence. Tax benefits?
Something worth any price.
Without whistle-blowers, there would be no useful, important, surprising stories lately.
Government dogma is dreadful entertainment. Dead-fish smelly. Only PR-egomaniacs would choose this route. Routes are how we communicate.
Advertising. PR. Sales.
It's mostly about making consumers feel inadequate.
[his head bobbed. It was too beautiful outside to write. He resented that, without conviction. A comfort breeze wrapped a scarf of cool air around his drooping head)]
Join us instead!
Fundraising is about making someone feel fulllllly, delightfulllllllly adequate ... to make change!!! (And when you persuasively,authentically convince others ... THEN as a side-effect you will INCREASE your charity's net income ... EXPLOSIVELY!)