I would have laughed, my love.
Not to your face; to my face, I guess. Share us both some pain.
Or a morning coffee where pain is sipped ... except your drink would have been sputtering, reluctant, what is this? Cocoa? Cheers!
I read like red meat whatever people kindly shovel my way. Books about Jesus. Books about surviving. Books about wisdom. Great thoughts. Books that build a tall column of hope and understanding and future next to my now-alone bed. Welcome to new foundations.
Thank you, Sim One. Thank you. Thank you.
For lighting the way, down many roads and lanes and alleys. Lighting me up, anyway. Now it's my sole job: to keep our flashlight batteries fresh (flashlights are scattered around the house like mice) ... and the generator you won into our home during a hurricane that caused a week's worth of outage while I was away in Australia; to keep that extraordinary machine in peak condition (I haven't and the snow forecast for the next few days isn't good)