Don't know where to start
I'm reeling with ah-has and new perspectives, thanks to Dr. Russell James. I took 4 full pages of penned, flying, truncated notes scribbling as fast as I could. I'll revisit the recording to get the full, accurate text ... and share on my e-news what I've learned.
We'd sold a 1.5-hour training webinar, to teach the basics of bequest marketing. With guest expert weighing in, Dr. Russell James.
He'd stolen the show ... even when he stepped away for an hour to teach a university class.
There were so many -- scores of -- comments in his wake. It was a record response: we'd never received so many questions. For 3.5+ hours, questioners kept asking. Dr. James went away for an hour. Then he came back. Then we continued.
A record # of attendees joined to learn about the Great Wealth Transfer and how to partake: 8 countries, 4 continents, 44 US states + DC, 8 Canadian provinces....