Multiple choice exam:
Should your .org start a print donor newsletter in 2022?
[ ] waste of time; digital rules
[ ] marginal; sometimes it works because U.S. donors are so old (avg. age 64) and they bump into things
[ ] it's the shiny new thing you've ignored for 3 decades
Surprise answer: Number 3. IRL evidence....
The Case Writers have built 2 print donor newsletters from the ground up since 2019.
The end-game in both cases was this: talented, specially-trained staff in-house would take over full control within 4 quarterly issues (with an ongoing assist from an outside designer/newsletter specialist).
The smaller .org of the 2 now raises something like $70,000 in gifts per quarterly issue ... in 2022. They mail to around 20,000 true believers.
The massive .org of the 2 now raises close to a half-million in gifts per quarterly issue ... in 2022. Average gift size is up. Re-ups by "lapsed" donors are also up.
Neither of these results are surprises. They were planned events. That's what research and a proven formula can do for your mission ... if you dare.