he thought, If
more things could be safely done while drunk
I'd get more things done.
definitely though the chain saw on a pole
a tool I own
like a head on a pole
scares me all the way to doubt
I once in my life (add it to our archives, mumsly)
chain-sawed trees in our this? backyard
to carve out a better? view
while at the time same time
standing firmly
on murderous, cruel, unforgiven
MMM-NO-UNH-UNH-NO anthropomorphic ice
thick as clear body armor spread
across our backyard every
acorn dead bug root pine back view
needle mat and the down slope
An angel goes into a bar.
"Who's the clumsy, drunk one?"
I slipped footloose freeforall
my chain saw still running
toward the sunset
curving toward the old drystone
walls of this defunct glacial volcanic New England dairy farm