Like you I cling to RCP polls and Nate Silver.
Like a lobster trawler clings to a heavy pot.
Donhole Trump as the last-standing Republican presidential candidate?
Moon shot to reach the center of the earth. No science supports the theory.
The mainstream Republicans have been vandalized. They just don't know it.
Trump is Sharpie-ing mustaches on the painting of Presidents. Look: eventually some jackass is always to blame. Trump will complete the post-graduate course the world is taking in contempt for the United States. And yes: that does matter. Politicians are the intellectually challenged cousins of how economies actually work.
I'm sorry: I just can't stop laughing at a Trump candidacy. It would be like electing the Blue Man Group to run "the greatest nation on earth." Trump is a Vegas act. Not a Secret Weapon. Remember the "buyer's remorse" a nation felt a few years after the woo-hoo! 2003 Iraq invasion?
Dear Trump & Iraq Invasion diehards: prepare to feel sick to your stomach yet again. Only now you've been stupid twice. Ooooh. Yuck. Tissue anyone?
The ONLY way Democrats could screw this up is by staying home and not voting. In my foggy view nine months from what matters, a lazy Democratic electorate is the Republicans' only real hope. Or their old tool: voter suppression. "Voter Fraud!" Of which there have been something like 2 cases in the last century, both certifiable.