what was YOUR most shameful moment? "New show unleashes weird confessions. 'Thank GOODNESS for the statute of limitations.' Turns out bullying was the least of it."
We do stuff together. We lean on each other. That about covers it for Simone and me. Viktor Frankl said humans need purpose. "They are driven by a will to establish meaning in their lives." When we help another, purpose awaits with an outstretched hand and a smile. It's no surprise that sacrifice is such a pleasure.
ROSES! as the Tyler airport proudly declares. Where we ate, what we ate. Yessir, that last photo's my irrepressible host, Joi Smith and husband, Gary; we're waiting for the food to be called. Come early to Stanley's: they OFTEN run out of things. There's a blackboard beside the front door that says what's already sold out for the day. {PS: special thanks to Vel and Sandy!}
By the way, which sells better, the fight against cancer or Famous Pit Bar-B-Q? This has relevance in the capital campaign case writing game: people give for their own reasons, not yours.
Mmmhmm...that's a ring with liquid inside. Collecting artisanal and costume jewelry from around the world, thanks to conferences and our house in France. And there's our good buddy, Joel!
stop idealizing people. Some of us will always be 10 percenters. And some of us will always be 110 percenters. And everybody else is in between, you know? And it varies from item to item, interest to interest. Like A.E. Neuman says, 'What - me worry?'"