I told Kivi. I was two slides into my webinar on bequests, with over 200 attendees on 12 continents and one other planet, when my computer froze and I had to reboot, wasting 10 minutes of everbody's busy day. My friend Kivi was kool. She just kept talking as I frantically (and without cursing, which can speed things along; my mic was open yk) cut the power to my main system, booted up my laptop only to find that its older OS was incompatible with GoToMeeting, all the time my desktop slowly reassembled itself on my big screen. About the same length of time it takes to make a good hamburger at home from scratch.
Then it came live. I was off and running for the next hour and a half.
Mommy Zen: "When crises happen, I just get real calm."