Jumping between PPTs teaching the SELF-AUDIT and PDFs of actual donor comms for class dissection. New teaching ideas move me with a strange and tingly strength, Laurabee read. Lightning crashed in the gumbo trees.
It's all done with this Yeoman combination hand hoe-and-fork. The elongated handle is the secret. It provides the leverage of a tomahawk. Which gives you a great workout in the garden. Makes quick work of almost every chore: bedding plantlings, deleting tough weeds, doing fine adjustments between established growth. I gave away two of these as holiday gifts, I love it so much.
Introduced in San Diego: the donor communications badge. Of course, it's not official yet. L-r: a room with a view; a sad departure for the pony company (the cabbie told me San Diego went 4 months without a convention this winter, killing tips and business; I gave him like a 50% tip and he exploded, "God bless, America!", meaning foreign visitors aren't always used to tipping, so they don't; whereas American tipping can be extravagant; I learned tipping policy from 2 sources: Steve Martin's character in My Blue Heaven ("I tip. In fact, I overtip.") and the investigative nonfiction, Nickel & Dimed: On [Not] Getting By in America); my speaking facility w/o and w/ Boy Scout fundraisers [rapidly toggle between the 2 to create a stop-motion movie]; dressed for excess in my English-made shirts (and tapestry ties from Pangborn Design), the reflection in the window showing the Tony Blair model with the broad blue stripes.... Click on any photo to enlarge and smell the roses.
My farmer's market now has cukes. And what do you do with cukes? You liquor up. With Hendrick's gin, made at a devil-may-care single-malt distillery in Scotland, land of my grandmother's birth. Born to stones and exile not wealth alas. Click to enlarge photo.
...called the "Maxi Tornado." As in this CNN headline: "'Maxi tornado' hits Oklahoma". And this super-sized weather event is killing lots of people. This is what weather is coming to: it defies definition.
L-r: that's the simultaneous translation booth in the back of my presentation room; Simone teaches among Art Deco grandeur; she acquires acolytes; the delightfully incomprehensible map that explained how each speaker related to all others. Click to sip the wine.