I have three cases under control, to some degree. So I head outdoors, in long pants, Wellingtons, long sleeves, a ball cap, and rose-pruning (long) gloves. Why the "long" attitude? Deer ticks, which carry Lyme disease, a nervous system ailment related to syphilis. It's not cute. It can turn you into a jumpy stupid vegetable.
I ran across a patch of fresh mushrooms. My last primary care physician, Dr. Tom Wachtel, taught me how to identify safe mushrooms; the ones you could eat without a second thought. Tom, regrettably, died last year. It must be said, not from wild mushrooms.
TODAY I have unhesitatingly, thanks to Tom's advice, eaten a fresh wild mushroom: shown below. And lived!!! How did I know there would be no skull and crossbones? Because the underside of the mushroom's cap did not have gills. Instead, it had something that looked like foam rubber. None of the foam rubber mushrooms, Tom told me, are toxic.