Back in December, Marj McKinty emailed me, inviting me to speak at Lincoln, NE's 2008 "brand camp" for nonprofits. Her opening comment: "We're seeking Scheherazade." Who could resist? On my journey, I watched Ted Danson drink coffee in the Detroit airport. Marj met me at the Lincoln airport with fresh miniature daffodils. I speak today at noon, using Scheherazade as the frame tale for my stink bomb about donor communications ("Mostly bad. Mostly very bad."). Lincoln is a college town with a buzzing arts and dining district around the old train station. One landmark, shown in this photo: a remarkably-crafted bas relief mural, of just brick. Dinner recommendation: Lazlo's extra-friendly brewery (delicious oatmeal stout) and restaurant. UPDATE: Heading out, Marj took me by the state house, where her friend Ron gave us an insider's tour of the murals, the carvings, the last moments of Art Deco. The state house was finished debt-free during the Great Depression. Nebraska's constitution still requires a balanced budget; and this year's session obliged. Back in RI, my state of residence, different story: government fiddles while a $380 million deficit burns.
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