Boop the Hoop is right. The reason Hillary might not win against McCain, say 2 recent polls, is that MEN won't vote for her. But WOMEN will vote for Barack. So, as of today, polls warn and strategists will insist, Barack can beat McCain, but Hillary can't. Electability rears its ugly.
So the ? becomes: Who will rise more in the independents' estimation? McCain is alone in his race now. The Rombot pulled out (wish G.W.'s dad had, on that special night with Barbara). Maybe John McCain will become old news to independents. Maybe his crusty parts will poke out from behind the wary smile. I like McCain's record well enough. His experience in Vietnam made a man of titanium character who suffers fools and betrayers poorly. Those parts I like. I don't like his pledge to turn the Supreme Court into the Extreme Court. He's vowed: "No activist judges!" Read: Only those who believe in burning witches need apply.