when you live in the country
a good, steady rain can be like a day at the beach
except the water is vertical
like someone taking a shower
After two hours of watching rain from the garage
this question arose:
??? How cold IS rain on a temperate day like today
72° Fahrenheit, 22° Celsius
So I stripped to the waist
bare-chested as a monkey I did some yard chores
preparing the septic system lid to be lifted for a much needed
...releasing a sculpted cement disk from the smothering embrace
of outrageously happy thyme
a depilatory done once a year
or the poor dear disk would disappear from gazes forever
and be just an odor not a sight
What my bare chest learned was a nice surprise.
Summer rain is not as cold as I imagined
it had every right to be.
I didn't flinch. I felt wet, not chilled. With a bar of soap
I could have showered and rinsed in a late summer rain.
So attests one person.
One afternoon. Metaphoring nothing. Thunder
on the horizon. Rolling thunder coming this way
I can roll my neck and make the same kind of sound.
Then a jet's passage stamps the sky, even louder
Magick becomes mundane